
엄마들과 나누고 싶은 이야기 - 아빠의 편지 (8-31-16)

Joshua 엄마
2018-12-11 21:50
August 31, 2016

Dear Sweet Guy,

How are you? I love you so much!!

Do you know what today is? I have just gotten back from dropping you off at your first day of Junior HIgh. I am so proud of you. I am incredibly proud of you, and can't believe you're such a big kid and going to 7th grade starting today.

You know I love to call you "Baby", etc., but you know that is just a joke and will always only say it in private now that you are a big guy. Of course I am still scared because Jr. High has kind of has a reputation of being a shark tank. But I know you are smart, and also, have better than average social skills. And certainly better than I did when I was a kid. So, you are lucky. But if you ever do need some help, I will be there for you.

You know, don't you - I hope you know, we will always be together. Our little family, you, me and Mama, will always be together. The only reason we might not be together, temporarily, is if I have to go to Heaven first, which of course I will have to go first. (And I hope it's still a long time from now.) But I hope God takes me into Heaven and I will be waiting for you and also, maybe God will allow me to help you in ways you don't know maybe. (I hope.) But other than that, we will always be together, you can count on that.

I hope you will be patient with me and with Mom, because we love you so much and only want the very best for you. You are our 'precious gift from God' (oh no, not that again!) But we want you to have a happy childhood, and also, grow up and be a good Christian gentleman, and be successful at everything in life. We want the best for you, that's why we push you a little on math homework, etc.

Well, Joshua, I hope you're doing well in 7th grade, which it looks like just started 10 minutes ago! I trust you and I love you.

from Dad

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