
Ellie 자매님의 Regional Center Seminar 요점 정리를 변혜정 선생님께서 수정 보완 하신 요약본

Joshua 엄마
2018-12-19 23:05
Regional Center service

• Respite service
o (Eligible for 3 years or older client, each RC has different policy of in home & out of home Respite) –RCEB has separate hours for two respite services but SARC has combined hours of them.
o Can be purchased for the volume of month or calendar quarter. Use it within the period or lose it.
o In home Respite
 Agency Respite–Respite agency (RC vendor) will hire worker(s) and send to client’s home.
 EOR (employer of record) Respite – Family will identify a worker. The worker will become the employee at EOR agency (RC vendor) through enrollment procedure. The worker should have legal working permit and over 18 years old.
o Out of home Respite (Ex: RCEB provides maximum 21 days/years)
 Day camp
 Sleep Over camp

• Institutional Deeming MediCal
o A process to obtain full scope unrestricted MediCal without a share of cost to developmentally disabled clients under age 18.
o Family income and resources are not taken into consideration.
o Must be Status 2 client (age 3 or over).
o Have a SS# & be legally documented
o Use at least one billable services per year.
o At least two defects that qualify for the waiver program (self-care, behaviors, medical/mental condition, safety awareness)
o Redetermination packet will be sent to home every year and parents needs to complete/submit it to MediCal office.
o MediCal can be terminated when kid is not eligible after annual review.
o Client can request RC Case Manger to apply for Institutional Deeming MediCal. RC Medicaid Waiver Specialist will review client’s file including medical records and IEP, and determine whether the client is eligible or not. If eligible, Medicaid Waiver Specialist will send a referral to County MediCal office.

• Medic-Alert
o Bracelet, Necklace or Shoe Tag - RC pays for the equipment and 1 yr membership.
o If needed, contact RC Case Manager.

• Self-determination service
o Begin in 2019.
o Refer to RCEB website ( for more information.

• Medical equipment
o Request through the private insurance first, and then MediCal/CCS  if denied from all of the generic resources, RC can support it.
o Case Manager will collect all the documents including doctor’s prescription, denial letters from the private insurance & MediCal/CCS and submit the packet to OT at RC. OT will review and then director will approve it.

• Adult Day program
o Provide daytime activity through vendor(s) for the clients who graduated school district program (over 22 years (with high school certificate) or 18 years (with high school diploma)).

• Independent living service/Supported living services
o Support client’s independent living through agency: Agency will assess the client’s needs and Team will determine the service volume based on the level of support.

• Mobility Training
o Transportation training in the community to be able to use public transit independently.

• Community Care Facility/Board and Care Home, so called Group Home
o Different levels of group home (Level 2, Level 3, & Level 4A to 4I) based on level of support.
o RCEB will supplement over and above SSI rate.
Total 25

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